". . ., but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with sighs too deep for words. Romans 8:26

I invite you to explore and reflect on the ways that we become more aware of how we can interact with God. I will discuss ways that we can become more sensitive and aware of God's presence in our daily life.

Saturday, April 24, 2010


Prayer is a conversation with God. Unfortunately, we usually do all of the talking and do not give God a chance to respond. (It cannot be a conversation unless both parties talk and listen.) God does respond and answer us, but we are usually too busy talking to pay any attention to God's response.

I suggest that you plan a time to intentionally listen to God. Write it down like your other prayer times. Begin your time by relaxing with the Jesus Prayer. (See Post for April 10.) Then sit quietly, close your eyes, and listen. Some people unclasp their hands and lay them palm up on their lap or on the table to signify their openness to God.

Breathe slowly and evenly. Remind yourself that you are open to hearing from God. Feel God's love and presence with you.

This will take some practice. Do not give up!

After a few minutes thank God for being with you. Take a moment to write down any feelings that you have. Practice this every day for at least two weeks.

You may even want to talk to God during one of your other times and ask God to help you to be a better listener. Have patience with yourself. Pay attention to the feelings that you have during your time of listening.

During the week you may want to read the story of Elijah in I Kings 19:9-13. He was waiting to hear from God and heard God in "a still small voice." You may want to meditate on a verse such as Psalm 46:10 "Be still and know that I am God."

Make time to listen to God today.

I welcome comments WordsandSighs@gmail.com

Pastor Michael

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